Saturday, 7 November 2009

IB Kids

I love IB and IB people. They actually make my life. If you are just a randomer 'HEY THERE!' You probably have no idea what I am going on about. Here is the explanation. At school I take a course called the International Baccalaureate instead of the normally English A levels. Go look it up. Anyway at our school there are not many people who actually take the IB, so the 50 people who do from both yr 12 and 13 are like a little community in itself. A few of us last night went to one of the yr 13's house just so the yr 12s could be welcomed into the world of IB and just so we could get to know each other a bit better. It was lovely, and despite their threats about mental breakdowns and all nighters I still love the IB. I think basically IB kids are a bit obsessed with their course. HAHA.

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