Thursday, 26 November 2009

I have the sudden urge to watch Wild Child...

It's been almost 10 days, and I feel pretty bad for just letting my blog pass by in my life. But the truth is, is that I have been really busy. With school. It's just the least interesting thing to be busy with, and it's not even as if I have done anything out of the ordinary, but I haven't had time to eat lunch for the past two days even. And that takes a lot of busy-ness. I had a bad day on Monday, I just woke up and it was dark and it was rainy, and from then I knew that that day would be bad, and rightly so, it lived up to my expectations. Nothing drastically bad went wrong, but just all the little things added together just made me want to go home and cry, though I didn't. Then on Tuesday it rained again and I had all six periods today. Yes SIX. So I had to stay after school for biology and then walk all the way down into town, which is like a mile, then catch a bus, and then walk from the bus stop, home, which in total took 2 hours. I was not happy.

Anyway today was good, despite the absence of my lunch time. But what can you do when there is a physco music teacher who makes you rehearse the whole of lunch for something that really doesn't require a lot of effort to practice, and where I only play around five different notes. argh! Other than that, Vikki has a date tomorrow with Jordan xD, we want to go and follow them, when Vikki heard mine and Emily's plan she immediately kicked up a fuss (goodness knows why :P) and then told her that if we couldn't do that, then she had to give us a text update every five minutes, she said this was rude. We said, Oh well. This is what going to a girls school for 5 years does to you. And now there are boys in the 6th form. It's pretty weird/lovely.

I really can't remember everything that has happened in the last 10 days. I really can't. I have some impossible maths homework, and it really does make me feel stupid, seeing as I am in Maths Studies, which is the lowest maths group at IB level, and I still can't do the blooming algebra.

Tomorrow we are putting up the outside Christmas Tree and hanging up some window decorations ready for the 1st of December. :)
I said to everyone that I thought Christmas didn't really begin until the 16th December, but now I have to go back on my word. I'm crazy excited. On Monday I am going Christmas shopping with my friends to buy presents for EVERYONE! I am so not going to have any money left after that trip. We have Friday and Monday off. FOUR DAY WEEKEND. CELEBRATE! So at this moment I am really happy.

Yey. Apart from stupid maths. But who needs that anyway. Right?

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Dear World

World. My video camera has broken. What am I do to?


I feel like such a music nerd right now, but who cares god damn it. I got into KYWO, which is to say I got into Kent Youth Wind Orchestra which is freaking amazing! :D I am so proud of myself. I have a feeling I have commented on this before in my previous blog, but who cares man, lets spread the joy. I'm even on a list at school.

In other musical news: I am so happy about the ChartJackers song and how they came 36th in the UK charts. I just think it's an amazing way to show how the internet - the thing that adults think is a 'bad' thing has come together and done something good, involving all types of people, from all over the world. I don't think I would even have minded if it came 50th and out of the charts, but the fact that it is makes it just so much more amazing. I walk round school and hear people singing it, and I just have the thought in my head that "Oo, that was something I was involved in" makes you feel warm inside, y'know? Also the fact that I almost never have contributed to Children in Need, but now I have and it does feel good. I have been part of something that has created a ton of money for people who don't have the chance to do something that I do.

So, Thank You internet and everyone who took ChartJackers upon themselves.

I have got to the stage where I have no more memory left on my phone for messages, so every time I receive one I have to delete about 10, which is horrible. I can't delete them all at once, I can't let them all go like that. So I do it gradually, but it really is not much fun. I find myself sieving through the whole folder finding texts which have no significance. But they all do. Ah well, something digital is never completely gone, I can go search/hack into files when I am older and desperate and find every email, every text, every internet or phone conversation I have ever had. Scary, huh?

Sunday, 15 November 2009


Is it normal for guys not to have any idea who Jane Austen or Charlotte Bronte are?

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Literary Horizons

I totally forgot it was my friends birthday today. I mean she's not like a close friend but I've known her for ages, since year 3 I think so around 9 years which is quite a long time. I felt really bad because I sat there for ages this morning talking to her and other random people without acknowledging that it was her birthday. Then I remembered and blurted it out. So Happy Birthday Sian!

I am so glad that I don't have another clarinet lesson until the 26th November because it takes so much effort to practice efficiently, that I really can't be bothered. It's actually been really bad. I have done no homework today, I've just said that I would do it tomorrow in my frees, though I probably won't actually do that. I need to read 1984 and A Brave New World. I just need to broaden my literary horizon. I also need to finish Pride and Prejudice, and read a few other classics, though I really can't read them as well as I can modern novels like A Handmaid's Tale or Memoirs of A Geisha or Sophie's World, which I have grown to love because it has unconsciously taught me a lot about philosophy, so now I just 'know' things and can answer intelligent questions. I like that. They are just some of the more intelligent books that I love.

I bought a newspaper today. I felt so proud of myself and I've read the front cover. Still I'm pretty proud and I will get round to reading it. I promise. Well I'll force myself. Mind you I am finding all this stuff about the fall of the Berlin wall very interesting. This is maybe why I should have taken history. Damn bad teachers from year 7 to year 9 have a bad influence on me.

Chartjackers is 14th in the pop charts, which to be honest I think is pretty damn amazing, thinking about how it's got next to no radio play and no TV coverage apart from BBC Switch. My friend Fe, who reads this, so hi Fe! Went to BBC Switch live, and she came in on Monday screaming at me "I saw you on the screen at a music concert!!!!" I was like sorry what? She said "I saw you in the Chartjacker's music video! I started screaming, then everyone around me started scream and I was like, no no, they are my friends on the screen!" That was pretty cool to experience. haha.

I had a lovely chat with my friend Mia today about life and school and impressions on people we knew, even though it was a bit gossipy, it was nice to talk to her for a while about relevant things because I've never really spoken to her before this year much, apart from in choir xD. But I enjoyed it, especially because we were suppose to have biology and my lesson got cancelled because the teacher wasn't here. YEY for 6th form and not having supply teachers EVER! :D

Saturday, 7 November 2009

IB Kids

I love IB and IB people. They actually make my life. If you are just a randomer 'HEY THERE!' You probably have no idea what I am going on about. Here is the explanation. At school I take a course called the International Baccalaureate instead of the normally English A levels. Go look it up. Anyway at our school there are not many people who actually take the IB, so the 50 people who do from both yr 12 and 13 are like a little community in itself. A few of us last night went to one of the yr 13's house just so the yr 12s could be welcomed into the world of IB and just so we could get to know each other a bit better. It was lovely, and despite their threats about mental breakdowns and all nighters I still love the IB. I think basically IB kids are a bit obsessed with their course. HAHA.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

One More Thing

I have an IB assessed speech on some books with a title that I make up in less than a month. I am scared, and I have no idea what to do, and we can't have notes (well you can, if you want to get marked down), and this sucks.
On the plus, I generally had a nice day and tomorrow I miss two lessons for Autum concert rehearsals. Yey for that.
I also apologise for the lack of enthusiasm and beautiful flowing writing in this blog post and the one before. I have no reason, other than the fact that I wish to continue reading.

That book is WAY too exciting. xD
It's not really a well known book in England so I have forced all my friends to go out and buy a copy. I love starting obsessions of new things. It's the new Twilight - only better, almost levelling up to Harry Potter. ALMOST.

That's All

All I can say is CATCHING FIRE = <3
That is all.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

64 Zoo Lane

For the past few days I have been at a music course for a wind band I am in and I play clarinet in it. I play 2nd clarinet, partly because the 1st part is hard, partly because there are people better than me, and partly because I have no faith in my clarinet playing. I never put myself forward for a solo or anything for fear of getting it wrong and the other people looking at me as if I am really rubbish because I just did the completely wrong rhythm or played the wrong notes. I find playing a musical instrument reasonably difficult and I have had to work really hard to be able to get to where I am. Most of the people - actually - all of the people playing 1st clarinet were younger than me, which kind of makes me feel a bit, you know, bad. I know people say that there is no such thing as natural talent, but please, there must be. Anyway, despite that, it was really fun and I really enjoyed my time playing 2nd clarinet alongside people who are actually my age. We played 64 Zoo Lane, which to anyone who doesn't know is a the theme tune to a children's TV show and it's really annoyingly catchy! I am serious from the first time we played it through it has gone round and round and round in my head without any indication of leaving. I go to bed and it's there. I wake up and it's there. I brush my teeth in time to the music. It is a good tune to play and fun, but man does it stick. The concert was really good as well, and I got to see friends which I hadn't seen in ages and make new friends as well. Plus I like having something which is purely my own and no one else's in my family.

The concert was Sunday and after that I went to Emily's house for a sleepover. It was good fun, apart from watching White Noise, it's not even that scary a film, but I just couldn't watch it. All the sounds and things made it worse, but I suppose it was funny afterwards when we found Mr Bean's Holiday which we could watch to get the scariness out of our systems. We are such wimps. Hahaaa.

On the Monday we all went up to London and went crazy, seriously we went to Camden Market, the Tate, platform 9 3/4 (which, by the way they have changed the location of, and is now a bitter disappointment), Hamleys and various other places which I now have forgotten. It was really fun, but I was glad when we got on the train and we could just relax and think of nothing but the comforts of our own beds and a day tomorrow to do nothing in.

And rightly so I did nothing, other than a bit of German homework and read Catching Fire, which I could not put down, but alas, I had to stop reading, as I had done so for the most of the day. It also rained all day, and I quite fancied going out. But I did not. Tomorrow is school, though it can't be that bad as I only have 3 real lessons to which I have to attend. We do however have a seminar last (?) but I have a free before that so that should be fine and dandy. I wanted to go and see a film in the cinema but I have forgotten what it is I actually want to see. But A Christmas Carol is out soon and we saw them setting up for the premiere yesterday in London in Leicester Square. Looked Wonderful.

Perfect timing, Food is ready. And yes, Food deserves a capitalization at this moment because I am hungry.

I also have an idea for a video on my own YouTube channel, finally.