Wednesday, 9 September 2009


To make up for my extra class yesterday, I had one less today which was lovely, seeing as I had done all my homework in my frees earlier that day :)
So I came home in record time: 20 minutes; and made a video for emeraldsandstuff channel on YouTube, just about life.

Lunch time was so nice today as well. The weather at the moment is beautiful and so, Charlotte, Emily, Vikki and I sat out on the field and ate lunch. I don't really know how we came onto the subject, but we started talking about religions and philosophical questions. It was really interesting and deep, and seeing as we all believe different things according to religions and own opinions the conversation was really enlightening and intelligent as well as fun. It was one of those conversations where a one hour lunch break is not enough to discuss the whole world and the meaning of life! I really did enjoy it. It's just such a warm feeling that I can talk about these things freely and confidently, have a bit of fun with my friends. They truly are amazing and the first people I would go to, if I need to say something. We just have complete confidence in each other and trust one another not to go and be a bitch about it, if they don't agree with something I have said. Our headteacher walked past us whilst we were talking and look positively beaming that we were talking about something intelligent. hahaha. I hate her.

I told you about that boy the other day that couldn't do his options because of his GCSE grades, well he's now left the school. He walked out this morning in registration, and this other girl has also left because of subject clashes and grades. It just makes me mad, that they were accepted into the school and were given permission to take their subjects and now they are being turned away, when every other school has aready started and probably won't take them 2 weeks into the school year. ARGHH!

Tomorrow I have my clarinet lessons. I don't want to go, I know my teacher will scratch my eyes out and eat me because I haven't practised in the summer as much as I should have done and I can't do my scales, or sightread, or rhythm or high notes! She makes me mad and I just feel like I am getting no where no matter how much I work and try to improve.

I also have my first theatre lesson tomorrow, which I hope I like and do not feel too scared in a class with only two other people.

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